About St Mary Magdalene Holmwood
We are part of the Surrey Weald Team, with St. Peter’s church Newdigate, and St. John the Baptist Capel.
Andrew Coe is the Team Rector and vicar of Newdigate, Liz Richardson is the vicar of Capel, and Jane Schofield is Associate Minister at The Holmwood.
The Church of St Mary Magdalene serves the Parish of South Holmwood and Beare Green.
Built in 1838, the church provides a well loved spiritual space in a busy world. Join us for the Sunday service at 10.00 am. Details of other service are below. In addition, the building is open every day for quiet moments.
Worship at St Mary Magdalene
Our main service is at 10.00 a.m every week. Usually it is a service of Holy Communion, and occasionally it will be a Service of the Word led by our gifted team of worship leaders. We are fortunate to have a wonderful organist and robed choir.
On the first Wednesday of each month we have a Mid Week Midday service of Communion followed by a light lunch. All are very welcome.
Keeping our church going – an appeal for your help
We are fortunate to have such a beautiful and historic church in our village. Whether you worship at St Mary Magdalene regularly, come at Christmas and Easter, or gather for family occasions, like weddings, baptisms or funerals, I hope it is important to you that we continue to have an active church in South Holmwood, open on Sundays and increasingly at work in the community through the week.
Very sadly, we are no longer able to cover our costs as our church.
Whilst we are enormously grateful for the contributions made over the years by the Friends of St Mary Magdalene towards maintaining aspects of the church fabric, we still need to meet all the day-to-day running costs of the church. These including heating a large building, maintaining the churchyard, having our own Associate Minister, Rev Jane Schofield, now living amongst us in the vicarage and doing so much to support the life of the community.
There are inevitably hard choices which need to be made when a church ceases to be financially viable. In many parts of the country, we see rural churches having to share a minister with several other churches, only being open for special festivals or even closing entirely.
As the wardens of St Mary Magdalene, we are determined to keep our historic church going and hopefully growing.
As a congregation, we will do all we can and give all we can, but we will also need some financial help from all in the village.
Will you join us in this by making a monthly or one-off gift to St Mary Magdalene? – Click Here
Our bank details are 40-19-22 account number 61497405 St Mary Magdalene PCC and it would also be helpful if you could contact our treasurer, Alan Pugh email treasurer@stmmh.org.uk, so that we can thank you for your gift.
Thank you for whatever you can give. We are deeply grateful.
Sally Pullen- Churchwarden. Nick Freeborough- Stewardship officer.